Friday, December 18, 2009

good news/bad news

Well, I certainly have been putting off posting this, but I feel a responsibility to report all of the facts (according to Ayurveda).
It's about destroying the North American myth of salads and raw vegetables. I've asked the question several times now to about five different teachers when I began to suspect the answer to my question, as it was welling up inside of me and I couldn't NOT ask it anymore. It went something like this: "Are you trying to tell us that we should not eat our vegetables raw?"

"Yes, that's what we people/Ayurveda believe..............................................................................and that's because we believe that they are too hard to digest. Fruit is okay, but not vegetables....................................(long pause) need to cook your food very well in order to digest it properly. Improper digestion is the cause of all disease", (they said for the 100th time). "And, not only that but you must only fill 1/3 of your stomach with food, 1/3 with water (sipping throughout the meal) and 1/3 must be left empty, so that the agni (fire) can be ignited with the vata (or air principle) and the process of digestion can begin."

We were all shocked. What will I tell my grandson and his mother and father who are eating carrot sticks and celery? I even taught them to eat their vegetables...We were all thinking we were so healthy (or were we?)........

SO!, now that you're already cooking with ghee, and putting those 2 drops of melted ghee way up your nostrils at night, and eating 111 year old honey and one year old rice, I'm sure you can handle just one more teeny weeny little change.....

What's the good news? At least you have another point of view and if you love dilemmas (as I do), you will not be disappointed.

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