Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm in LOVE

Yes, it's true. You have already met her; but haven't been properly introduced. Her name is Dr. Tarulata. She's one and the same; our Dravya Guna teacher. I have to admit I'm a pushover in this department, but this morning she came in, in her green sari (it's Wednesday) and told us she wanted to sing us a song. "We People" she often begins, her voice rising a little, sing this song in the mornings. She proceeds to turn her back to us and now we can see the back of her green sari and the bareness of her back as she writes the words for this song on the white board with her black marker. The words are:
Rajno din Radiyammo re
Kal Kone dithi che
She explains to us (and she's now getting more excited and you can see that her eyes are beginning to sparkle and her heart is opening wider) that the words mean "the day is here and it's wonderful and who knows what tomorrow will bring?". Then she stands at the head of the table and sings out the words to us in a clear voice, right from her heart. She looks at me, my eyes fill with tears, from her honesty of sharing what she loves, but also the meaning of the words, and then her eyes fill with tears. She turns her back (AND THERE'S MORE!) and writes the words to the second stanza on the board;
Mara Vala ne
Avya ne Vadhamani re
which mean "my beloved is here and that is good news". (I took her beloved to be "God").
She then sang the whole song to us once again as we sat spellbound as this woman whose name means tree climber, sang to us the song she said she loves most and sings every morning...
What to say? She has a part of my heart...


  1. I want to see pictures!

  2. Okay, I'll see what I can do about that. I don't have a camera with me; just a cell phone.

  3. Marilyn,
    I've ordered a camera; pictures will be arriving soon.
    Thanks for the feedback on my stories and photos. I appreciate it.
    Love, and stay warm.
