Friday, November 20, 2009

My Other Love


I have to admit to the other love that I have. His name is Dr. Dawidi. He's rather short and is always on time. He comes in with his long sleeved shirt always pressed and his rather large belly slightly sticking out over his black pants. He hair is thinning and he has a round face that is always ready to smile. He knows very well how to laugh at himself and you can tell he is very practiced at it. His eyes dance with joy.
He teaches the first class of every morning and it's all about the Principles of Ayurveda. It (and he) get right down to it. How the universe was formed; what the elements of the world and universe are and how it "all" works in the body too. How the cause of all imbalance is the Agni principle (fire) and comes from an imbalance of too much hardship on your digestive system and how that comes from improper digestion. He's done his homework and is steeped in the ancient knowledge of the Vedas. He knows things worth knowing; like if you put two drops of oil (or ghee) in your nostrils every night then you will keep the mucous of your nose lubricated and this simple act is the first line of defense for germs that you breathe in (the second guards are your tonsils). This, he tells us, will keep you from having upper respiratory infections and he tells us that he's been doing this for 40 years. I believe him...And he knows other gems like: if you like time, time likes you... He teaches us things like how to examine yourself and the ten points to observe before you make any decision (which later he relates to being a Doctor of Ayurveda); and not to be afraid to see yourself clearly; to have an "observer". ;-). I really like him..

But, the thing I like best about him is that he lets me ask the hundreds of questions that I have stored up in me (one of the reasons I came here) and even the ones that are hard. He gets a twinkle in his eye and ends each part of his answers with "isn't it?" I love it. He lets me challenge ideas about the creation of the universe with a smile and runs me around in beautiful circles, but never negates the question or tries to lose me and when he finishes he very politely asks me if that is any clearer...I laugh, he smiles and we begin again...I do know where I'm going with this and it's to the very heart of "it"...; it's a lovely, exquisite dance and he has my undying respect.

We are particularly enjoying a theoretical discussion of the Aakash; space (unobstructed space). How it works in the universe and how it works in your body. I ask him if sight is the agni principle (no, I have not challenged this concept, yet) and you bring it into the Aakash, then how does that work if you can see things in another part of the world? He blanches, begins and ends his part of the answer with "isn't it?", like he thinks I will agree, which I hardly ever do, but he is a saint and he enjoys the dance, so we respectfully and joyfully play it out. He does talk about being able to see through walls, so we are making progress...

He continues his lecture on the agni (or fire principle) and launches into how you can burn someone with the fire in your eyes and I ask him to talk about fire in your speech, which he answers flawlessly, not missing a point or a beat. He even adds that the fire rises from your umbilical, which delights me no end. It's 'all' about controlling the fire! I add some points about the tensions surrounding some words and his eyes light up. You can see why I like him.

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