Thursday, February 11, 2010


...I don't know how to tell you about Dori. She lives upstairs from me at the hostel. She has a long history of mental imbalance and has spent a great deal of time on my porch. She gave me permission to photograph her and use the photos in any way I would like to. I am thinking I would like to do an exhibition of some of the photos I have taken of her (and India). Her red hair in the sunlight that day, was breathtaking. If you double click on her image you will see colors that are a little more true to what I saw.
I think her face is one of the most beautiful examples of a person with no masks that I know of. Her pain, exquisite. I love and admire her honesty.
I am grateful to Dori, who has the courage to express what many of us feel but hide...

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